Financial Literacy Month may be over, but here at HOPE BSG we want to ensure our clients receive crucial financial information all year round! As you read in our previous newsletter, we broke down what a personal credit score is, how it is calculated, and how you can keep YOURS in good shape. But did you know that FICO (Fair Isaac Corporation) frequently changes their credit score model? This means that the way your credit score is calculated or evaluated by lenders is subject to change. For the most part, the basic criteria stays the same, but being up to date on these changes can help you stay ahead of the curve AND help you know what the lenders will be looking for!
What is FICO 10?
FICO is the most common credit scoring model in the US, and has been used since 1965 to determine consumer credit risk for lenders and creditors. Most people probably don't realize that FICO updates it's scoring system every few years or so - and in 2021 they quietly did a major update, called FICO 10. According to FICO representatives, these updates could impact over 40 million people; but don't get too scared yet, even though FICO 10 has been enacted, most lenders are still using FICO 8 standards (and FICO 9 was released in 2016!). You still need to be prepared for the changes, so here's what you need to know: late payments, high balances (even if you pay them off), and personal loans are going to have a bigger (mostly negative) impact on your score! Here are some tips to keep you ahead of the curve:
What Is FICO 10T?
The FICO 10T scoring model is part of FICO 10 but it includes "trending data" to look more in-depth at a consumers spending and payment habits over time. In addition to what we mentioned above, the trending data they include in your credit report may consist of the following factors, analyzed over the last 24-months:
This trending data makes the credit analysis a much deeper dive into your finances and your real-life spending habits. Lenders may use this to assess whether they consider you a risk, even if you have a good credit score.
How Far Can Good Credit Take Me??
Many of our clients are trying to get approved for a house, trying to buy a car for their family, or even open a business. All of these things will require a lender to examine your credit report line-by-line. And the lenders WILL examine it line-by-line - everything from your address to the inquiries on your report. Taking the time and energy to improve your score can make a huge difference for you.
Did You Know?
The Federal Reserve is creating an instant payment service to coordinate banks, consumers, and businesses who need to send or receive money instantly! The new service, called FedNow will be a safe and efficient way to send money whenever - and wherever - you need to. Learn more by reading the informational brochure attached at the bottom of this email.
Want to learn more about Business Credit?
We provide a comprehensive assessment and consultation to discuss your best path toward financial success for your business. Complete our Business Assessment today and get a jump start for your business! CLICK HERE to complete the assessment.
One more thing...
We deeply appreciate all of our clients and affiliates, it is our sincere pleasure to serve you and be able to interact with all of our prior class attendees, contacts, and clients. Please consider leaving us a review on Google if you have enjoyed our services or one of our classes.
1300 Ridenour Blvd NW, Suite 122 Kennesaw, GA 30152
Office: (678) 383-2836
Fax: (678) 349-0664
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