Your credit score can impact the structure of your loan, and can change your whole home buying process. If you have a good credit score, your interest rate will be lower than other buyers - allowing you to afford more for your money! You also could be approved for a lower down payment if you have good or exceptional credit. And, of course, if you have a good credit history, you will have more options for lenders who are willing to fund you - which allows you to 'shop around' for the best mortgage deal.
How Does Your Credit Impact Home-Buying?
When it comes to getting a home loan, your credit score is the most important factor, second only to your income. But what exactly is the lender looking for? Although we can't guarantee all lenders follow these guidelines, here are some major factors they will be looking at when they review your credit report...
HOPE BSG is focused on helping our clients become homeowners. We have a new program with access to experienced professionals to help you get your finances in order and get approved for a mortgage. PLUS with our new program, first-time home buyers can get over $30K in grant funds toward their home loan. These funds are available for conventional, VA, AND FHA loans. For more information on this program, visit our website and contact us today! We look forward to helping you enjoy the upcoming season in the house you deserve.
Want to Know How to Take Your Personal Credit to the Next Level?
We hope this information was useful to you, but if you want to take the next step in improving your credit score and your financial health, we have some additional resources for you....
If you would like a more in-depth guide to improving your credit, we have an amazing new e-book, "The DIY Credit Restoration Guide", including, "The Shocking Truth of What LexisNexis Has on YOU!" You can use it to take your credit to the next level. VISIT OUR ONLINE STORE for more information.
Thinking About Starting A Business? Want to Know More About Business Credit?
We provide a comprehensive assessment and consultation to discuss your best path toward financial success for your business. Complete our Business Assessment today and get a jump start for your business! CLICK HERE to complete the assessment.
And we have a NEW E-Book to help guide you through the process of establishing business credit and obtaining funding for your business, "The Business Credit and Financing Guide" by HOPE BSG now available in our online store!
Whether you are a self-paced learner and want to take each step of the process at your own rate, or you just want to learn more about the world of business financing and how to take your business to the next level - this book is for you.
One more thing...
We deeply appreciate all of our clients and affiliates, it is our sincere pleasure to serve you and be able to interact with all of our prior class attendees, contacts, and clients. Please consider leaving us a review on Google if you have enjoyed our services or one of our classes.
1300 Ridenour Blvd NW, Suite 122 Kennesaw, GA 30152
Office: (678) 383-2836
Fax: (678) 349-0664
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HOPE Business Solutions Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.